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PHF Team Roster lookup


phf_team_roster(team, season = most_recent_phf_season())



Team name with nickname (e.g. Boston Pride, Buffalo Beauts)


Season (YYYY) to pull the team stats from, the concluding year in XXXX-YY format


A named list of data frames: roster, team_staff


# \donttest{
   try(phf_team_roster(team = "Minnesota Whitecaps", season = 2023))
#> $roster
#> ── PHF Roster Information from ─────────────────────
#>  Data updated: 2023-03-08 07:48:39 UTC
#> # A tibble: 23 × 12
#>    team_id team_n…¹ group divis…² playe…³ playe…⁴ posit…⁵ height homet…⁶ playe…⁷
#>      <int> <chr>    <lgl>   <int>   <int> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  <chr>   <chr>  
#>  1  203160 Minneso… NA      20048       5 Sidney… D       "5' 5… Minnet… https:…
#>  2  203160 Minneso… NA      20048       7 Emma S… D       "5' 7… Duluth… https:…
#>  3  203160 Minneso… NA      20048       9 Sydney… D       "5' 8… Minnet… https:…
#>  4  203160 Minneso… NA      20048      24 Olivia… D       "5' 9… Campbe… https:…
#>  5  203160 Minneso… NA      20048      27 Patti … D       "5' 7… Thief … https:…
#>  6  203160 Minneso… NA      20048      28 Amanda… D       "5' 1… Watert… https:…
#>  7  203160 Minneso… NA      20048      33 Maddie… D       "5' 1… River … https:…
#>  8  203160 Minneso… NA      20048       3 Jonna … F       "5' 4… Elk Ri… https:…
#>  9  203160 Minneso… NA      20048       6 Brooke… F       "5' 6… Eagan,… https:…
#> 10  203160 Minneso… NA      20048       8 Natali… F       "5' 6… Eagan,… https:…
#> # … with 13 more rows, 2 more variables: player_href <chr>, player_id <int>,
#> #   and abbreviated variable names ¹​team_name, ²​division_id, ³​player_jersey,
#> #   ⁴​player_name, ⁵​position, ⁶​hometown, ⁷​player_image_href
#> $team_staff
#> ── PHF Team Staff Information from ─────────────────
#>  Data updated: 2023-03-08 07:48:39 UTC
#> # A tibble: 6 × 6
#>   team_id team_name           group division_id staff_name          staff_type  
#>     <int> <chr>               <lgl>       <int> <chr>               <chr>       
#> 1  203160 Minnesota Whitecaps NA          20048 Ronda Engelhardt    Head Coach  
#> 2  203160 Minnesota Whitecaps NA          20048 Amber Hegland       Assistant C…
#> 3  203160 Minnesota Whitecaps NA          20048 Angela Zevnik Girtz Assistant C…
#> 4  203160 Minnesota Whitecaps NA          20048 Brennan Poderzay    Goalie Coach
#> 5  203160 Minnesota Whitecaps NA          20048 Kevin Gray          Coach       
#> 6  203160 Minnesota Whitecaps NA          20048 Chi-Yin Tse         General Man…
   try(phf_team_roster(team = "Buffalo Beauts", season = 2023))
#> $roster
#> ── PHF Roster Information from ─────────────────────
#>  Data updated: 2023-03-08 07:48:39 UTC
#> # A tibble: 26 × 12
#>    team_id team_n…¹ group divis…² playe…³ playe…⁴ posit…⁵ height homet…⁶ playe…⁷
#>      <int> <chr>    <lgl>   <int>   <int> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  <chr>   <chr>  
#>  1  203155 Buffalo… NA      20048       2 Samant… D       "5' 6… "Kelow… https:…
#>  2  203155 Buffalo… NA      20048      10 Maddie… D       ""     ""      https:…
#>  3  203155 Buffalo… NA      20048      13 Domini… D       "5' 6… "Napol… https:…
#>  4  203155 Buffalo… NA      20048      14 Alliso… D       "5' 7… "Buffa… https:…
#>  5  203155 Buffalo… NA      20048      23 Antoni… D       ""     ""      https:…
#>  6  203155 Buffalo… NA      20048      47 Jessic… D       ""     ""      https:…
#>  7  203155 Buffalo… NA      20048      77 Whitne… D       "5' 5… "Port … https:…
#>  8  203155 Buffalo… NA      20048       3 Amy Bu… F       ""     ""      https:…
#>  9  203155 Buffalo… NA      20048       4 Maggie… F       ""     ""      https:…
#> 10  203155 Buffalo… NA      20048       8 Iveta … F       "5' 8… "Prako… https:…
#> # … with 16 more rows, 2 more variables: player_href <chr>, player_id <int>,
#> #   and abbreviated variable names ¹​team_name, ²​division_id, ³​player_jersey,
#> #   ⁴​player_name, ⁵​position, ⁶​hometown, ⁷​player_image_href
#> $team_staff
#> ── PHF Team Staff Information from ─────────────────
#>  Data updated: 2023-03-08 07:48:39 UTC
#> # A tibble: 6 × 6
#>   team_id team_name      group division_id staff_name     staff_type       
#>     <int> <chr>          <lgl>       <int> <chr>          <chr>            
#> 1  203155 Buffalo Beauts NA          20048 Chris Baudo    Video & Analytics
#> 2  203155 Buffalo Beauts NA          20048 Julia DiTondo  Assistant Coach  
#> 3  203155 Buffalo Beauts NA          20048 Mark Zarbo     Skills Coach     
#> 4  203155 Buffalo Beauts NA          20048 Rhea Coad      Head Coach       
#> 5  203155 Buffalo Beauts NA          20048 Shane Madolora Goaltending Coach
#> 6  203155 Buffalo Beauts NA          20048 Jeff State     Assistant Coach  
   try(phf_team_roster(team = "Buffalo Beauts", season = 2016))
#> $roster
#> ── PHF Roster Information from ─────────────────────
#>  Data updated: 2023-03-08 07:48:40 UTC
#> # A tibble: 22 × 10
#>    team_id team_…¹ group divis…² playe…³ playe…⁴ posit…⁵ playe…⁶ playe…⁷ playe…⁸
#>      <int> <chr>   <lgl>   <int> <chr>     <int> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>     <int>
#>  1    6336 Buffal… NA       1021 Amanda…      34 G       https:… /stats…   58109
#>  2    6336 Buffal… NA       1021 Annmar…      15 F       https:… /stats…   58102
#>  3    6336 Buffal… NA       1021 Briann…      29 G       https:… /stats…   58108
#>  4    6336 Buffal… NA       1021 Courtn…       5 F       https:… /stats…   58086
#>  5    6336 Buffal… NA       1021 Devon …      21 F       https:… /stats…   58104
#>  6    6336 Buffal… NA       1021 Emily …       7 D       https:… /stats…   58088
#>  7    6336 Buffal… NA       1021 Erin Z…      20 F       https:… /stats…   58103
#>  8    6336 Buffal… NA       1021 Hailey…      24 F       https:… /stats…   58106
#>  9    6336 Buffal… NA       1021 Hannah…      12 F       https:… /stats…   58099
#> 10    6336 Buffal… NA       1021 Hayley…      77 F       https:… /stats…   58113
#> # … with 12 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​team_name, ²​division_id,
#> #   ³​player_name, ⁴​player_jersey, ⁵​position, ⁶​player_image_href, ⁷​player_href,
#> #   ⁸​player_id
#> $team_staff
#> ── PHF Team Staff Information from ─────────────────
#>  Data updated: 2023-03-08 07:48:40 UTC
#> # A tibble: 0 × 0
# }