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PHF Schedule lookup


phf_schedule(season = most_recent_phf_season())



Season (YYYY) to pull the schedule from, the concluding year in XXXX-YY format


A data frame with schedule data


# \donttest{
  try(phf_schedule(season = 2023))
#> ── PHF Schedule Information from ───────────────────
#>  Data updated: 2023-03-08 07:48:28 UTC
#> # A tibble: 89 × 52
#>    type  id       leagu…¹ seaso…² tourn…³ game_id number datet…⁴ datet…⁵ time_…⁶
#>    <chr> <chr>      <int>   <int> <lgl>     <int> <chr>  <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  
#>  1 game  g-598215     100    4667 NA       598215 NA     2022-1… 2022-1… US/Eas…
#>  2 game  g-598410     100    4667 NA       598410 NA     2022-1… 2022-1… US/Eas…
#>  3 game  g-612249     100    4667 NA       612249 NA     2022-1… 2022-1… US/Eas…
#>  4 game  g-585618     100    4667 NA       585618 NA     2022-1… 2022-1… US/Eas…
#>  5 game  g-585617     100    4667 NA       585617 NA     2022-1… 2022-1… US/Eas…
#>  6 game  g-585619     100    4667 NA       585619 NA     2022-1… 2022-1… US/Eas…
#>  7 game  g-585620     100    4667 NA       585620 NA     2022-1… 2022-1… US/Eas…
#>  8 game  g-585621     100    4667 NA       585621 NA     2022-1… 2022-1… US/Eas…
#>  9 game  g-585622     100    4667 NA       585622 NA     2022-1… 2022-1… US/Eas…
#> 10 game  g-585624     100    4667 NA       585624 NA     2022-1… 2022-1… US/Eas…
#> # … with 79 more rows, 42 more variables: time_zone_abbr <chr>,
#> #   updated_at <chr>, created_at <chr>, home_team_id <int>, home_team <chr>,
#> #   home_team_short <chr>, home_team_logo_url <df[,7]>, away_team_id <int>,
#> #   away_team <chr>, away_team_short <chr>, away_team_logo_url <df[,7]>,
#> #   home_division_id <int>, home_division <chr>, away_division_id <int>,
#> #   away_division <chr>, home_score <int>, away_score <int>, home_shots <int>,
#> #   away_shots <int>, home_penalty_minutes <int>, away_penalty_minutes <int>, …
# }