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Returns NHL Teams information


nhl_teams(season = most_recent_nhl_season_api_param())



season in format XXXXYYYY


Returns a tibble


# \donttest{
#> ── NHL Teams Information from ───────────────────── fastRhockey 0.6.0 ──
#>  Data updated: 2023-03-08 07:47:40 UTC
#> # A tibble: 32 × 29
#>    team_id name    link  abbre…¹ team_…² locat…³ first…⁴ short…⁵ offic…⁶ franc…⁷
#>      <int> <chr>   <chr> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>     <int>
#>  1       1 New Je… /api… NJD     Devils  New Je… 1982    New Je… http:/…      23
#>  2       2 New Yo… /api… NYI     Island… New Yo… 1972    NY Isl… http:/…      22
#>  3       3 New Yo… /api… NYR     Rangers New Yo… 1926    NY Ran… http:/…      10
#>  4       4 Philad… /api… PHI     Flyers  Philad… 1967    Philad… http:/…      16
#>  5       5 Pittsb… /api… PIT     Pengui… Pittsb… 1967    Pittsb… http:/…      17
#>  6       6 Boston… /api… BOS     Bruins  Boston  1924    Boston  http:/…       6
#>  7       7 Buffal… /api… BUF     Sabres  Buffalo 1970    Buffalo http:/…      19
#>  8       8 Montré… /api… MTL     Canadi… Montré… 1917    Montré… http:/…       1
#>  9       9 Ottawa… /api… OTT     Senato… Ottawa  1992    Ottawa  http:/…      30
#> 10      10 Toront… /api… TOR     Maple … Toronto 1927    Toronto http:/…       5
#> # … with 22 more rows, 19 more variables: active <lgl>, venue_name <chr>,
#> #   venue_link <chr>, venue_city <chr>, venue_id <int>,
#> #   venue_time_zone_id <chr>, venue_time_zone_offset <int>,
#> #   venue_time_zone_tz <chr>, division_id <int>, division_name <chr>,
#> #   division_name_short <chr>, division_link <chr>,
#> #   division_abbreviation <chr>, conference_id <int>, conference_name <chr>,
#> #   conference_link <chr>, franchise_franchise_id <int>, …
# }