Returns information on game boxscore for a given game id
Returns a named list of data frames: team_box, player_box, skaters, goalies, on_ice, on_ice_plus, penalty_box, scratches, team_coaches
# \donttest{
try(nhl_game_boxscore(game_id = 2021020182))
#> $team_box
#> ── NHL Game Team Box Information from ───────────── fastRhockey 0.6.0 ──
#> ℹ Data updated: 2023-03-08 07:46:49 UTC
#> # A tibble: 2 × 14
#> team_id team_name link goals pim shots power…¹ power…² power…³ face_…⁴
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <int> <chr> <int> <int> <chr>
#> 1 9 Ottawa Senato… /api… 2 13 27 0.0 0 6 42.1
#> 2 6 Boston Bruins /api… 3 19 36 33.3 1 3 57.9
#> # … with 4 more variables: blocked <int>, takeaways <int>, giveaways <int>,
#> # hits <int>, and abbreviated variable names ¹power_play_percentage,
#> # ²power_play_goals, ³power_play_opportunities, ⁴face_off_win_percentage
#> $player_box
#> ── NHL Game Players Box Information from ────────── fastRhockey 0.6.0 ──
#> ℹ Data updated: 2023-03-08 07:46:52 UTC
#> # A tibble: 38 × 70
#> playe…¹ playe…² link first…³ last_…⁴ prima…⁵ birth…⁶ curre…⁷ birth…⁸ birth…⁹
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 8480073 Erik B… /api… Erik Branns… 26 1999-0… 23 Eksjo SWE
#> 2 8480064 Josh N… /api… Josh Norris 9 1999-0… 23 Oxford USA
#> 3 8476919 Chris … /api… Chris Tierney 71 1994-0… 28 Keswick CAN
#> 4 8477426 Nick P… /api… Nick Paul 21 1995-0… 27 Missis… CAN
#> 5 8474589 Tyler … /api… Tyler Ennis 63 1989-1… 33 Edmont… CAN
#> 6 8476899 Matt M… /api… Matt Murray 30 1994-0… 28 Thunde… CAN
#> 7 8480029 Alex F… /api… Alex Formen… 10 1999-0… 23 Barrie CAN
#> 8 8479458 Nikita… /api… Nikita Zaitsev 22 1991-1… 31 Moscow RUS
#> 9 8474584 Michae… /api… Michael Del Zo… 15 1990-0… 32 Stouff… CAN
#> 10 8480448 Parker… /api… Parker Kelly 45 1999-0… 23 Camrose CAN
#> # … with 28 more rows, 60 more variables: nationality <chr>, height <chr>,
#> # weight <int>, active <lgl>, alternate_captain <lgl>, captain <lgl>,
#> # rookie <lgl>, shoots_catches <chr>, roster_status <chr>,
#> # current_team_id <int>, current_team_name <chr>, current_team_link <chr>,
#> # primary_position_code <chr>, primary_position_name <chr>,
#> # primary_position_type <chr>, primary_position_abbreviation <chr>,
#> # jersey_number <chr>, position_code <chr>, position_name <chr>, …
#> $skaters
#> ── NHL Game Skaters Information from ────────────── fastRhockey 0.6.0 ──
#> ℹ Data updated: 2023-03-08 07:46:52 UTC
#> # A tibble: 40 × 2
#> skaters home_away
#> <int> <chr>
#> 1 8482245 Away
#> 2 8477384 Away
#> 3 8480801 Away
#> 4 8480064 Away
#> 5 8480029 Away
#> 6 8477482 Away
#> 7 8474584 Away
#> 8 8482116 Away
#> 9 8480208 Away
#> 10 8476400 Away
#> # … with 30 more rows
#> $goalies
#> ── NHL Game Goalies Information from ────────────── fastRhockey 0.6.0 ──
#> ℹ Data updated: 2023-03-08 07:46:52 UTC
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#> goalies home_away
#> <int> <chr>
#> 1 8476899 Away
#> 2 8480280 Home
#> $on_ice
#> ── NHL Game On Ice Information from ─────────────── fastRhockey 0.6.0 ──
#> ℹ Data updated: 2023-03-08 07:46:52 UTC
#> # A tibble: 12 × 2
#> onIce home_away
#> <int> <chr>
#> 1 8478469 Away
#> 2 8480064 Away
#> 3 8480208 Away
#> 4 8480801 Away
#> 5 8482116 Away
#> 6 8482245 Away
#> 7 8470638 Home
#> 8 8473419 Home
#> 9 8477956 Home
#> 10 8478443 Home
#> 11 8479325 Home
#> 12 8480280 Home
#> $on_ice_plus
#> ── NHL Game On Ice+ Information from ────────────── fastRhockey 0.6.0 ──
#> ℹ Data updated: 2023-03-08 07:46:52 UTC
#> # A tibble: 12 × 4
#> onIcePlus.playerId onIcePlus.shiftDuration onIcePlus.stamina home_away
#> <int> <int> <int> <chr>
#> 1 8478469 102 33 Away
#> 2 8480064 86 33 Away
#> 3 8480208 102 33 Away
#> 4 8480801 90 33 Away
#> 5 8482116 102 33 Away
#> 6 8482245 102 33 Away
#> 7 8470638 102 33 Home
#> 8 8473419 102 33 Home
#> 9 8477956 102 33 Home
#> 10 8478443 6 100 Home
#> 11 8479325 161 33 Home
#> 12 8480280 553 33 Home
#> $penalty_box
#> ── NHL Game Penalty Box Information from ────────── fastRhockey 0.6.0 ──
#> ℹ Data updated: 2023-03-08 07:46:52 UTC
#> # A tibble: 0 × 0
#> $scratches
#> ── NHL Game Scratches Information from ──────────── fastRhockey 0.6.0 ──
#> ℹ Data updated: 2023-03-08 07:46:52 UTC
#> # A tibble: 4 × 2
#> scratches home_away
#> <int> <chr>
#> 1 8476341 Away
#> 2 8477149 Away
#> 3 8478415 Home
#> 4 8480901 Home
#> $team_coaches
#> ── NHL Game Team Coaches Information from ───────── fastRhockey 0.6.0 ──
#> ℹ Data updated: 2023-03-08 07:46:52 UTC
#> # A tibble: 2 × 7
#> person.fullName position…¹ posit…² posit…³ posit…⁴ home_…⁵
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 D.J. Smith /api/v1/people/null HC Head C… Head C… Head C… Away
#> 2 Bruce Cassidy /api/v1/people/null HC Head C… Head C… Head C… Home
#> # … with abbreviated variable names ¹position.code, ²,
#> # ³position.type, ⁴position.abbreviation, ⁵home_away
# }