Returns information on draft for a given year
Returns a data frame: * year - * round - * pick_overall - * pick_in_round - * team_id - * team_name - * team_link - * prospect_id - * prospect_full_name - * prospect_link -
# \donttest{
#> ── NHL Draft Year data from ─────────────────────── fastRhockey 0.6.0 ──
#> ℹ Data updated: 2023-03-08 07:46:49 UTC
#> # A tibble: 217 × 10
#> year round pick_ov…¹ pick_…² team_id team_…³ team_…⁴ prosp…⁵ prosp…⁶ prosp…⁷
#> <int> <chr> <int> <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 2020 1 1 1 3 New Yo… /api/v… 78069 Alexis… /api/v…
#> 2 2020 1 2 2 26 Los An… /api/v… 80509 Quinto… /api/v…
#> 3 2020 1 3 3 9 Ottawa… /api/v… 79391 Tim St… /api/v…
#> 4 2020 1 4 4 17 Detroi… /api/v… 76153 Lucas … /api/v…
#> 5 2020 1 5 5 9 Ottawa… /api/v… 77849 Jake S… /api/v…
#> 6 2020 1 6 6 24 Anahei… /api/v… 82090 Jamie … /api/v…
#> 7 2020 1 7 7 1 New Je… /api/v… 80583 Alexan… /api/v…
#> 8 2020 1 8 8 7 Buffal… /api/v… 77496 Jack Q… /api/v…
#> 9 2020 1 9 9 30 Minnes… /api/v… 76418 Marco … /api/v…
#> 10 2020 1 10 10 52 Winnip… /api/v… 82133 Cole P… /api/v…
#> # … with 207 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹pick_overall,
#> # ²pick_in_round, ³team_name, ⁴team_link, ⁵prospect_id, ⁶prospect_full_name,
#> # ⁷prospect_link
# }