Returns information on draft prospects
Returns a tibble with the following columns:
col_name | types |
prospect_id | integer |
full_name | character |
link | character |
first_name | character |
last_name | character |
birth_date | character |
birth_city | character |
birth_country | character |
height | character |
weight | integer |
shoots_catches | character |
nhl_player_id | integer |
draft_status | character |
birth_state_province | character |
primary_position_code | character |
primary_position_name | character |
primary_position_type | character |
primary_position_abbreviation | character |
prospect_category_id | integer |
prospect_category_short_name | character |
prospect_category_name | character |
amateur_team_name | character |
amateur_team_link | character |
amateur_league_name | character |
amateur_league_link | character |
ranks_midterm | integer |
ranks_final_rank | integer |
ranks_draft_year | integer |
# \donttest{
#> ── NHL Draft Prospects data from ────────────────── fastRhockey 0.6.0 ──
#> ℹ Data updated: 2023-03-08 07:46:48 UTC
#> # A tibble: 11,879 × 27
#> prospec…¹ full_…² link first…³ last_…⁴ birth…⁵ birth…⁶ birth…⁷ height weight
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 100459 Timur … /api… Timur Sedlec… 2005-0… Klaipe… LTU "5' 1… 152
#> 2 89121 Joe Ca… /api… Joe Calvar… 2003-0… NA NA "6' 0… 178
#> 3 83047 Joonas… /api… Joonas Parvia… 2002-0… Lohja FIN "5' 1… 174
#> 4 95280 Josef … /api… Josef Esler 2004-0… NA CZE "6' 0… 202
#> 5 99904 Kirill… /api… Kirill Nikole… 2005-0… Perm RUS "6' 1… 165
#> 6 90629 Emeric… /api… Emeric Jeanso… 2004-0… NA NA NA NA
#> 7 91325 Dmitri… /api… Dmitri Kadulin 2003-0… Tyumen RUS "5' 9… 146
#> 8 95556 Tim Ty… /api… Tim Tychon… 2004-0… NA NA "5' 1… 165
#> 9 90541 Charle… /api… Charles Juneau 2004-0… NA NA NA NA
#> 10 91110 Nikola… /api… Nikolai Grachy… 2003-0… Moscow RUS "6' 3… 198
#> # … with 11,869 more rows, 17 more variables: shoots_catches <chr>,
#> # draft_status <chr>, birth_state_province <chr>, nhl_player_id <int>,
#> # primary_position_code <chr>, primary_position_name <chr>,
#> # primary_position_type <chr>, primary_position_abbreviation <chr>,
#> # prospect_category_id <int>, prospect_category_short_name <chr>,
#> # prospect_category_name <chr>, amateur_team_name <chr>,
#> # amateur_team_link <chr>, amateur_league_name <chr>, …
# }